Panchangam, Vedic Astrology, Kundli
List of Professional Astrologers all over the world

Panchang Ganita, Panchanga Siddhanta, Panchang Author: Pundit Mahesh Shastriji, Seattle, WA USA
Inspiration: Late Pundit Maganlal Devshanker Shastriji


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Pundit Mahesh Shastriji
Punditji's Blog
I Love God
To prepare Kundali / Jatakam / Vedic Birthchart please click mypanchang astrology.

Hindu Festivals dates for 2025
Magha Gupta Navaratri date
Mahashivaratri Puja date and Muhurta
Vasant Navaratri date
Ashadha Gupta Navaratri date
Haritalika / Hartalika date
Ganesh Chaturthi Puja date and Muhurta
Mahalaya / Shraddha Paksha Begin date
Mahalaya / Shraddha Paksha End date
Sharad Navaratri date
Vijaya Dashami & Dussera date
Sharad Purnima, Kojagiri date
Karwa Chauth date
Ahoi Ashtami Puja date and Muhurta
Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Diwali Laklshmi Puja Muhurta
Kali Chaudash (Gujarat)
Naraka Chaturdashi
Diwali Laklshmi Puja Muhurta
Gujarati New Year
Yama Dvitiya, Bhaiya Dooj, Bhai beej
Labh Pancham
Chhath (Sayan Argya)
Lunar Eclipse date and time
Solar Eclipse date and time

List of Professional Astrologers all over the world
List of Astrologers

Please find following list of reputated astrologers all over the world. If you are practising astrologer and would like to see your name here please email us your Full name, your website url, Details (Type of astrology you practise (KP, Vedic, Western etc.) to us at shastriji at mypanchang dot com. We'll add it in couple of days. This way you can be reached by millions of users all over the world. The registration is free of charge.

Astrologer Name Website Address Details
 Gaurav Malhotra Vedic and Lal Kitab Astrology
 Hardik Vyas Hindu Vedic Priest and Astrologer, Associated with
 Jatinder Sandhu Hindu Vedic Astrology, http://bharatiyajyotishm
 Monica Monasterio Hindu Vedic Astrology
 Nitin Patil Vedic Astrologer, Numerologist and Gem Stone thera
 Pradeep Mishra Mobile: +919425314126, +919425054983,
 Pt Ketan Bhargav Hindu Vedic Astrology, +91-9780795363
 Pundit Parashar Vedic Astrologer
 Rallabhandi Anjaneyulu Krishnmurthy Paddhati and Vedic Astrology
 Sachin Bholle Vedic Astrologer & Palmist
 Santhosh Kumar Sharma Gollapelli Vedic and Krishnamurthy Paddhati Astrologer
 Simran Singh (psychic coffee cup reader) Specialist in coffee cup reading and color healing
 Sistla Somayajulu Hindu Vedic Astrology
 Yashchandra Shukla ( Y C Shukla ) Parashar & Jaimini Jyotish

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yaj jagrato duram udaiti daivam tad u suptasya tatHaivaiti|
duramgamam jyotisam jyotir ekam tan me manaH shivasankalpam astu||
||shri shukla yajurveda vajasaneyi samhita (madhyandina sakha) 34.1||

The divine essence that goes far away, from the waking, and likewise from the sleeping, and that one far-traveling Light of lights, on that-the auspicious will of the divine-may my mind dwell.

.. sarve janA sukhino santu ..
kriShNa! kriShNa!! kriShNa!!!

I bow down to the supreme personality of godhead Lord kriShNa who makes incomplete complete.
Pundit Mahesh Shastriji
Seattle, WA, USA
shastrijii at mypanchang dot com


Vedic Druka Siddha High Precision Nirayana Panchangam data calculated by Pundit Mahesh Shastriji.
Email: shastrijii at mypanchang dot com (
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