Panchangam, Vedic Astrology, Kundli
Astrological Predictions on Global Economy

Panchang Ganita, Panchanga Siddhanta, Panchang Author: Pundit Mahesh Shastriji, Seattle, WA USA
Inspiration: Late Pundit Maganlal Devshanker Shastriji


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Astrological Predictions on Global Economy

Astrological Predictions on Global Economy
Submitted By: Pundit Rallabhandi Anjaneyulu

Global crisis is the main concern which has shaken the economy of the entire world not only the developed countries but also developing countries. This has been continuing since two years, especially from past year where its effect has peaked. Lot of thoughts is being lingering in the mind of common man. Couple of them is; where is the end to this crisis? Will it come out of this or not? Is there any hope of revival from this crisis in near future or not?

Let us analyze astrologically; when will we come out of this? What planets are responsible for this crisis?

In Zodiac there are four major planets, whose movement from one house to another house is longer. Saturn stays in a house nearly 2-1/2 years, Rahu and Kethu stays for 1-1/2 years each, and Jupiter stays for one year. Other planets will stay generally for about a month or two. The only fast moving planet is moon.

Saturn entered in LEO on 15th July 2007; here Saturn is in the house of Sun (LEO) who is bitter enemy to Saturn. Staying in that house means associating himself in enemy’s camp but he is also associated with Kethu which is not at all beneficial and comfortable position. Saturn will create havoc financially and with that reason World economy started showing the signs of crisis. Actually signs of crisis started to show from 15th July 2007 onwards. It has slowly picked up the trend and reached its peak from 9th December 2008. This is due to the fact that Jupiter entered the Saturn’s house of Capricorn on that day. For Jupiter entering Saturn’s house means entering into a enemy’s house as both of them are enemy’s and Jupiter also in debilitation. Besides this, Jupiter has joined with Rahu who is malefic planet. Simultaneously Kethu has been relieved from Saturn and moved back into the house of Cancer. Due to this, Jupiter had been weakened Saturn and his malefic power is intensified. With this the whole global economy has been shattered and created fear. This has continued until 1st May 2009. On this day Jupiter entered Aquarius getting relieved from his debilitation and from Rahu. This Aquarius is also Saturn’s moolatrikona house which is also Jupiter’s enemy’s house. In this scenario Jupiter is also opposition to Saturn which is also adverse. With this Jupiter did not gain much strength and the economy did not pick up that well but there is slight sigh of relief from recession, which is very negligible. From 15th June 2009 Jupiter will be in retrogression and will go back to the house of Capricorn on 30th July 2009 and will join with Rahu. From that day onwards we will see the effects of recession again and it will continue till 9th September 2009. Saturn completes his stay of 2-1/2 years in Leo and will enter into Mercury’s house of Virgo on 9th September 2009. As Mercury is the friend of Saturn and he is staying in his friend’s house and as a result of which he will start giving good results. The actual relief from recession starts from 9th September 2009 onwards. Rahu will be moving back to Sagittarius from Capricorn from 19th November 2009 relieving Jupiter from his clutches. At the same time, Kathu will go back to Gemini from 19th November 2009 making way to the recovery path from recession. Jupiter who is in the debilitation in the house of Capricorn will be finally relieved and will enter into the house of Aquarius on 19th December 2009. Finally we will be able to see signs of improvement from recession and the global economy will pick up strength fully and gives financial strength.

Lastly after analyzing the movements of these planets who are responsible for recession we can hope best results from 19th December 2009 and the economy will be in recover mood and we will be able to come out of recession gradually.

The above observations are purely my personal opinion and prediction only.

Submitted By: Pundit Rallabhandi Anjaneyulu

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yaj jagrato duram udaiti daivam tad u suptasya tatHaivaiti|
duramgamam jyotisam jyotir ekam tan me manaH shivasankalpam astu||
||shri shukla yajurveda vajasaneyi samhita (madhyandina sakha) 34.1||

The divine essence that goes far away, from the waking, and likewise from the sleeping, and that one far-traveling Light of lights, on that-the auspicious will of the divine-may my mind dwell.

.. sarve janA sukhino santu ..
kriShNa! kriShNa!! kriShNa!!!

I bow down to the supreme personality of godhead Lord kriShNa who makes incomplete complete.
Pundit Mahesh Shastriji
Seattle, WA, USA
shastrijii at mypanchang dot com


Vedic Druka Siddha High Precision Nirayana Panchangam data calculated by Pundit Mahesh Shastriji.
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